Filed under: Drawing, exhibitions, projects on 23 Apr 2023 |

New work in response to The Carriageworks, Denbigh
6 May 2023 Launch 1-3 pm,
6 May – 25 June (opening days Thurs – Sat 11-4pm)
Lost in Transit brings together different creative responses to the building’s original purpose and context, showcasing drawings, photographs, found objects and sculptural reflections to explore the record of history, permanence, transience and absence.
With Louise Short and Zoe Preece, curated by Alex Boyd Jones
The Carriageworks, 6, Love Lane, Denbigh, LL16 3LU
Filed under: Drawing, exhibitions, painting, projects on 11 Apr 2023 |

Susan Adams and I are starting a new project together, thanks to Arts Council Wales and National Lottery support.
After more than a century, the physical remains of the former Mid-Wales Hospital are falling into the final stages of dissolution, but it remains a site of intense and complex emotional resonance for many different communities and groups. Entering imaginatively into the site and the hidden stories it suggests, we will invite the voices of people who have experienced mental health issues there or do so currently in the community. Culminating in co-produced arts events/installations, we will form new narratives in creative ways before both site and memories are lost to us.
Mae Susan Adams a finnau yn dechrau prosiect newydd gyda’n gilydd, wedi’i gynorthwyo gan Gyngor Celfyddau Cymru a’r Loteri Genedlaethol.
Ar ôl dros ganrif, mae olion ffisegol o’r cyn-Ysbyty Canolbarth Cymru yn disgyn i gamau olaf o’i ddiddymiad, ond fe barheir i fod yn safle o berthnasedd emosiynol dwys a chymhleth i lawer o gymunedau a grwpiau gwahanol. Trwy archwilio’r safle mewn ffordd ddychmygus a cheisio darganfod y straeon cudd ymhlyg, byddwn yn gwahodd lleisiau unigolion o fewn y gymuned sydd wedi delio gyda phroblemau iechyd meddwl ac unigolion a phrofir yn bresennol. Byddwn yn cloi gyda digwyddiadau/gosodiadau celfyddydol wedi’u cyd-gynhyrchu, gan llunio chwedlau newydd mewn ffyrdd creadigol cyn i ni golli’r safle a’r atgofion i gyd.

Filed under: exhibitions, painting on 11 Apr 2023 |

18 Mar – 29 Apr Paintings included in Concentric, West Wharf, Cardiff, CF1 5DB. Thurs, Fri, Sat, 10am-5pm.
One strand of my work is the exploration of psychological states of being and something of the way the world
and the human psyche interact with and modify one another; the way that constructs of reality are continually
being transformed by the flow of fantasy, and by the traumas and pleasures of engagement.
Recurrent images of wounding, decapitation and dismemberment act as metaphors for psychological events
such as the movement from closure into freedom; loss or extension of identity; damage, scattering and the
search for reintegration and so on. The Achievements series is based on heraldic symbols of power and
prestige, seen on a 17th century monument in Salisbury Cathedral.
Filed under: exhibitions, Films on 11 Apr 2023 |
Experimental installation for SCORE: Space and Performative Practices at tactileBOSCH Lounge, Cardiff
‘an ongoing winter playground for performance artists or artists working with live elements to come
together and… allow things to happen.’

6 Jan and 2 Mar 2023 Made in honour of the bumper apple crop of 2022, with libations to the health
of the trees in 2023. Thanks to @abi_hubbard_creative for her impromptu performance, animating the
installation to waken the sleeping tree spirits and frighten off any evil demons that may be lurking in the branches
24 Mar 2023 My tiny contribution to the topsy turvy carnivalesque world of Wrath and Tempo
at SHIFT, Cardiff.