Filed under: Drawing, exhibitions, Films, projects on 25 Jul 2020 |

Whilst 4 drawings made it out of the country to be shown at the Kohtuus–Yhteys–Tasa-arvo exhibition,
Covid 19 and lockdown prevented planned artist visits and exchanges taking place. Thanks to Arts Council
Wales Stabilisation Fund, I was able to extend the opportunity by making companion pieces to the 4 Aftermath
drawings and connecting with Marja Bonada, (artist and co-curator of the exhibition). Creative digital
collaboration, exploration of the exhibition themes and sharing of mutual responses informed our respective artworks and practices.
For Marja’s work see @marjabonada and read our blog for more details.

Filed under: exhibitions, Films on 12 Jul 2020 |

19 July 2020 Live streaming of Shelter in Place on Sunday 6pm as part of the OmniBOSCH programme.
Using material gathered in and around the Mynydd Llangattock caving system, Shelter in Place is a
meditation on different forms of seclusion and retreat including recent Covid lockdown experiences,
extended by personal ill health.
Thanks to Lyndon Davies for the accompanying soundpiece and to tactileBOSCH.
Filed under: Drawing, exhibitions, painting, print, projects on 11 Jul 2020 | Comments Off on Concentric at tactileBOSCH

Relaunch and open to visit again, with safety measures in place.
17 – 29 July 2020 11am – 2pm (closed Sunday 19 July)
tactileBOSCH Lounge
Capitol Shopping Centre
Cardiff CF10 2HQ
My work in the show is Casenotes: interweaving narratives of physical and mental health, developed for Concentric, as part of International Women’s Day celebrations.
For a taster of Concentric at tactileBOSCH click here. To see a short video clip of Casenotes click here.