
Oriel Lockdown

June 21 – Sept 5 2021
Canolfan y Celfyddydau / Aberystwyth Arts Centre celebrates the value that the arts have played during the pandemic.

Using material gathered in and around the Mynydd Llangattock caving system, Shelter in Place is a meditation on different forms of seclusion and retreat including recent Covid lockdown experiences, extended by personal ill health. Video 20mins.
Book ahead at


Aftermath series1-4

Whilst 4 drawings made it out of the country to be shown at the Kohtuus–Yhteys–Tasa-arvo exhibition,
Covid 19 and lockdown prevented planned artist visits and exchanges taking place. Thanks to Arts Council
Wales Stabilisation Fund, I was able to extend the opportunity by making companion pieces to the 4 Aftermath
drawings and connecting with Marja Bonada, (artist and co-curator of the exhibition). Creative digital
collaboration, exploration of the exhibition themes and sharing of mutual responses informed our respective artworks and practices.

For Marja’s work see  @marjabonada and read our blog for more details.

Lottery funding strip landscape colour


Shelter in Place 1

19 July 2020 Live streaming of Shelter in Place on Sunday 6pm as part of the OmniBOSCH programme.
Using material gathered in and around the Mynydd Llangattock caving system, Shelter in Place is a
meditation on different forms of seclusion and retreat including recent Covid lockdown experiences,
extended by personal ill health.

Thanks to Lyndon Davies for the accompanying soundpiece and to tactileBOSCH.

Micro-Hydro walk and video

14 Mar 10.00am – 1.00pm. Walk following the route of micro-hydro installation, with Llangattock
Green Valleys as part of Crickhowell Walking Festival 
2.30 – 5.30pm. See videos made in response to micro-hydro, with new soundscape by Lyndon Davies.
Free entry, Scout Hall, Castle Road, Crickhowell NP8 1AP

These events relate to a joint artist residency with Leona Jones for Llangattock Green Valleys’ Hydro in 2018.
Click here and here for more information..

From the Dark

from the dark_davies+goodby

21 Feb 7-9pm Video and projection with performance by Tessa Waite: poetry with John Goodby, Graham Hartill and Lyndon Davies (soundscape)

The MUSE, Glamorgan Street, Brecon LD3 7DW



From the Dark. New work shown at tactileBOSCH‘s programme of exhibitions, events, performances
screenings and participatory workshops through November 2019

Dans la nuit il y a naturellement les sept merveilles
du monde et la grandeur et le tragique et le charme
Robert Desnos

Video and projection based on the underground and dark spaces of the Black Mountains, interconnected with Cardiff counter-cultural night spaces. Video projected onto installations of cats’ eyes gleaned from rural roads linking the Black Mountains with urban centres.

Live performance, Mynydd Llangattock caving system: video Penny Hallas: performance, Tessa Waite.
Installation at tactileBOSCH: Penny Hallas and Tessa Waite with soundscape by Lyndon Davies. For background on the development of From the Dark, click here.

Opening night 1 Nov: Tessa Waite, Lyndon Davies, Scott Thurston, Anthony Mellors, John Goodby,
Wanda O’Connor, Steven Hitchins, Tilla Brading, Rhys Trimble, Nia Davies, Penny Hallas.
For a video of the event click here. Sound compilation Steven Hitchins.


16 Nov 2019: Penny Hallas, Lyndon Davies and Allen Fisher.

UTCC fisher

Thanks also to Graham Hartill and Ursula Frank


Lining 5x4'

Exhibition and related events exploring major engineering works on the Monmouthsire & Brecon Canal.

During the winter of 2016 /17 the Llangattock stretch of the canal was closed and drained for repair and re-lining, interrupting the flow of water and navigation from the Beacons to the Sea. This exhibition shows these engineering works in progress, in the context of industrial heritage and the interchange of human and natural forces. Painting, drawing, video and found objects from the canal, its feeder streams and the interconnecting network of paths, tramways and roads. For more on this see Canalworks blog and Canalchemy

Response to Canalworks: Allen Fisher_Hallas Towpath 1 initial analysis subsequent consideration

Exhibition: 5 Oct – 11 Nov. Andrew Lamont Gallery, Brecon, LD3 7EW
Poetry and Performance: 4 Nov 5.30 – 6.30 with GhostJam and Canalchemy.

Canal walk: 29 Oct 2-4pm with Kevin Phillips of Canal and River Trust



A unique collaborative audio/visual installation created from material gathered during the construction of the recently completed micro-hydro scheme at Blaen Dyar above the Clydach Gorge. By Penny Hallas and Leona Jones – artists in residence with HYDRO, Llangattock Green Valleys CIC, Brecon Beacons, Wales.

 re:Source programme notes and feedback
A response to re:Source by Graham Hartill
 A response to re:Source by Frances Presley

“This has so many different dimensions – at times in the reality of the micro-hydro, at times in some supercharged realm. Always returning to the insistent flow of the water”

Thanks to LGV, BBNPA’s SDF, and A&B Cymru’s CultureStep Investment Programme to strengthen and develop Jones and Hallas’s creative partnership with LGV.

A&BCymru50mm  LGV logo sml SDF Logo_CMYK (2)

One Minute Artists Moving Image Festival

23-25 Feb ’18
A One Minute film festival taking place in North Wales dedicated to artists moving image. Including my films DadaUmm (pictured) and Heads of the Valleys (see Working Landscape post, Jan 18)
Launch: 23 Feb 6.30 – 8.00pm

Ffordd Balaclava
Caernarfon LL55 1TG

For programme and venue details go to: One minute North Wales
Twitter @OneMinuteWales

Working Landscape

The Art House

Peak Collective screening programme, with works providing shifting encounters with place. My film, Heads of the Valleys will be shown alongside film by artists Susan Adams, Edwin Burdis, Stefhan Caddick, Rebecca Chesney, Morag Colquhoun, Anna Falcini, Islet / Ewan Jones Morris, Sion Marshall-Waters, Chris Nurse and Helen Sear.