information on new work,
commissions, events
and upcoming shows
23-25 Feb ’18
A One Minute film festival taking place in North Wales dedicated to artists moving image. Including my films DadaUmm (pictured) and Heads of the Valleys (see Working Landscape post, Jan 18)
Launch: 23 Feb 6.30 – 8.00pm
Ffordd Balaclava
Caernarfon LL55 1TG
For programme and venue details go to: One minute North Wales
Twitter @OneMinuteWales
Peak Collective screening programme, with works providing shifting encounters with place. My film, Heads of the Valleys will be shown alongside film by artists Susan Adams, Edwin Burdis, Stefhan Caddick, Rebecca Chesney, Morag Colquhoun, Anna Falcini, Islet / Ewan Jones Morris, Sion Marshall-Waters, Chris Nurse and Helen Sear.
An evening of poetry, film, movement, voice improvisation and recorded sound.
27 Oct 7.45pm.
Centre 151, Whiston Rd, London E2 8BL
Steve Boyland
Lyndon Davies
Nia Davies
Steven Hitchins
Camilla Nelson
Julia Rose Lewis
Anthony Mellors
Scott Thurston
This event follows performance/presentation earlier in the day at the Translating Eurydice Conference
University of East London, Stratford Campus. Both performances represent the latest in the long-running
sequence of collaborations arising from the Orpheus Project (2010).
Click here for more details about the Orpheus Project.
A series of collaborative performances along the route of the deleted Glamorganshire canal.
See Steve Hitchen’s Canalchemy
Shared concerns from collaboration with Suffolk-based artist Caroline Wright are realised in work that explores the position and experience of the insider and outsider, using TestBed at Oriel Davies Gallery to challenge ideas through drawings, exchange and display of objects, parallel walking, mapping of locations and other works. The Skirrid Mountain, Monmouthshire, located on the fringe of the Black Mountains is our site of investigation as we unpick what it means to be familiar and unfamiliar and the disturbance this causes.
For more about the Binocular:disturbance show see a-n Binocular Blog.
Binocular is an Arts Council Wales funded production project. Supported by a Professional Development Bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company
The Nonarchy comes to Cardiff – to gently spread misrule.
9 -16 Oct 2016 Made in Roath
Artists sharing work done during a 2 month residency in a city centre office block.
5 Oct 7 – 9pm
For details see Floating Island Gallery and their facebook page
Together Apart: an alternative walk through Abergavenny with Suffolk artist Caroline Wright as part of PEAK‘s fringe programme of cultural talks from border land. National Eisteddfod 2016.
This artist led walk is the first chance to see and hear about work arising from the Arts Council Wales funded collaborative project: BINOCULAR
Many of us instinctively pick up objects on walks, find ourselves putting them in our pockets or holding onto them and wondering, perhaps, about the story behind them. Or we may hold onto objects of significance that have come into our possession in other ways, from a relative, a gift, or even that object that camefrom a cereal packet.
On this short walk around the streets of Abergavenny, artists Penny Hallas (living and working in the Black Mountains) and Caroline Wright (living and working in Suffolk) will explore themes of insider /ousider through introducing some of the objects they have discovered on opposite sides of the UK. Narratives will mesh as objects are taken out of context and re-placed, and the emotions of a stranger are contrasted with those of us who feel at home. Please feel free to bring along an object that you have picked up on a walk near your home – and maybe we will discover new objects of our own on the walk.
Binocular is an Arts Council Wales funded production project. Supported by a Professional Development Bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company
2 triptychs included in Wales biennial exhibition of painting: This must be the place I never wanted to leave.
BEEP 2016
6 Aug – 3 Sept Swansea College of Art
7 Oct – 5 Nov Undegun, Wrexham
16 Nov – 23 Dec ArcadeCardiff, Cardiff
For other paintings in this series, see Address Undressed