
information on new work,
commissions, events
and upcoming shows

The Big Small House Summer Open

12 Black Mountain views in The BIG Small House Summer Open
1 – 31 Aug 2021
Oil on cats’ eyes gleaned from mountain roads (2016 – 2021)

Oriel Lockdown

June 21 – Sept 5 2021
Canolfan y Celfyddydau / Aberystwyth Arts Centre celebrates the value that the arts have played during the pandemic.

Using material gathered in and around the Mynydd Llangattock caving system, Shelter in Place is a meditation on different forms of seclusion and retreat including recent Covid lockdown experiences, extended by personal ill health. Video 20mins.
Book ahead at

Alpine Fellowship

Connectives shortlisted for the Alpine Fellowship Visual Art Prize

SCALE: The Six Hundred

Connectives in Toronto’s T6 annual show, shared digitally this year.
@thesixhundred and

Winter Wall @Cardiff M.A.D.E.

Legacy 2 is one of two pieces currently available online at Cardiff M.A.D.E.

BEEP 2020


Operative 115 was specially commended in the bienniel exhibition of painting run by Elysium Gallery
3 Oct – 7 Nov 2020
Elysium Gallery and Liquid Gallery, 210-211 High Street Swansea, Wales SA1 1PE

Check out for more info including updates about venue and dates due to Covid-19.


Aftermath series1-4

Whilst 4 drawings made it out of the country to be shown at the Kohtuus–Yhteys–Tasa-arvo exhibition,
Covid 19 and lockdown prevented planned artist visits and exchanges taking place. Thanks to Arts Council
Wales Stabilisation Fund, I was able to extend the opportunity by making companion pieces to the 4 Aftermath
drawings and connecting with Marja Bonada, (artist and co-curator of the exhibition). Creative digital
collaboration, exploration of the exhibition themes and sharing of mutual responses informed our respective artworks and practices.

For Marja’s work see  @marjabonada and read our blog for more details.

Lottery funding strip landscape colour


Shelter in Place 1

19 July 2020 Live streaming of Shelter in Place on Sunday 6pm as part of the OmniBOSCH programme.
Using material gathered in and around the Mynydd Llangattock caving system, Shelter in Place is a
meditation on different forms of seclusion and retreat including recent Covid lockdown experiences,
extended by personal ill health.

Thanks to Lyndon Davies for the accompanying soundpiece and to tactileBOSCH.

Concentric at tactileBOSCH


Relaunch and open to visit again, with safety measures in place.
17 – 29 July 2020 11am – 2pm (closed Sunday 19 July)
tactileBOSCH Lounge
Capitol Shopping Centre
Cardiff CF10 2HQ

My work in the show is Casenotes: interweaving narratives of physical and mental health, developed for Concentric, as part of International Women’s Day celebrations.
For a taster of Concentric at tactileBOSCH click here. To see a short video clip of Casenotes click here.

Kohtuus – Yhteys – Tasa-arvo

Aftermath 1_

One of four drawings sent to Finland’s GalleriaKONE as part of Kohtuus – Yhteys – Tasa-arvo the international summer exhibition in Hämeenlinna, with 34 artists from Finland, Germany and Wales.
Jun 27 – Aug 29 2020
Raatihuoneenkatu 14, Hämeenlinna, Finland.

Based in a former shopping centre, the show’s title,  ” Kohtuus – Yhteys – Tasa-arvo: Cooperation, Moderation, Equality” is a rethinking of the Enlightenment motto “Freedom, Brotherhood, Equality”. Co-curators Maija Helasvuo and Marja Bonada say the thinking is that the individualistic ideas of the Enlightenment have brought us to capitalism, and eventually to climate change and the collapse of capitalism. The task now is to ask what we got wrong, and how we might need to rethink those ideas.

For more on my response to this, please see Aftermath



