Archive for August, 2011

Y Lle Celf, Eisteddfod Wrecsam

image courtesy of Brecknock Museum and Art gallery

image courtesy of Brecknock Museum and Art gallery

40 drawings from the Orpheus project were shown at Y Lle Celf, National Eisteddfod Wrecsam 2011.

Gwilym Morus was commissioned as the Art Space Poet at this year’s National Eisteddfod, Wrecsam. One of the ten pieces he responded to in the exhibition was the ‘Orpheus drawings’. His response was in words and music, so as well as the lyrics going up on the wall alongside the work, he also recorded an album. Orffiws is the ninth track on the album: the words are given below, and the album can be heard by following the link to Gwilwm’s website, below.

Ymateb i ‘Orffiws’ gan Penny Hallas

…sef bardd chwedlonol y Groegwyr a rwygwyd yn
ddarnau gan ferched gwyllt y Bacchanalia.

Mae darnau bach ei hunan
ar chwâl ymysg y chwyn –
y bardd anfarwol truan
wedi’i hau fel hadau syn.

Yn ymraniadau amwyll
ei gyflwr chwith caiff fyw,
ag yntau’n gasgliad gorffwyll
o greiriau rhyfedd, gwyw.

Mae bellach yma’n rhythu
lle nad oes iddo hedd,
a’i ffrwythlon ddatgymalu
yn gwrthod iddo fedd.

Gwilym Morus (2011)

Dilyniant yn nhrefn yr albwm lle Troediaf Ymddengys y Llawr
Ewch i

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru Wrecsam a’r Fro