
GPS Signal Lost

GPS signal Lost

GPS signal Lost

GPS System Lost is concerned with observing and recording, over a period of five years, some of the strange interplay between human and natural activity in and around the caves of Craig Y Cilau Nature Reserve near Abergavenny. It is a collage of films and stills, animations and projections in the tunnels of Eglwys Faen, using centuries of graffitti as backdrop.

The film also plays as a personal homage to my father, photographer and one-time pot-holer, on whose last camera the material for this film was gathered.
the […] space,
Mission Gallery,
10 May – 19 June 2016

See blog for background to GPS Signal Lost


cats eyes and projection

The work of nine artists – the Nonarchy – gently spreads misrule throughout the former Sports Direct Store at Undegun from April fools day to the end of the month.

Working across a range of approaches, including film, installation, animation, interventions in the landscape, drawing, painting and sculpture, they present something of a flow of ideas between the cultural and artistic foci of Undegun in Wrexham and The Creative Network, at Arts Alive Wales in the Black Mountains. Part of the excitement of this collaborative venture arises from the diversity of approaches of the artists. The challenge consists in responding to the venue itself, creating new work, or re-exploring established work in relation to the site and to the developing responses of the other artists.

Susan Adams
Morag Colquhoun
Justine Cook
Penny Hallas
Richard Harris
Jamie Lake
Chris Nurse
Tessa Waite
Philip Watkins

For more details go to:

creative_network_logoThe show is supported by Brecknock Arts Trust and The Creative Network

Ghost Jam


An experimental semi-improvised rehearsal for a collaborative performance using poetry, film, movement, music and recorded sound.
4 Oct 2015 3.30 – 5.00pm Free
Allen Fisher, Tilla Brading, Camilla Nelson, Rhys Trimble, Wanda O’Connor, Steven Hitchins, Graham Hartill, John Goodby, Lyndon Davies, Emma Lewis-Jones

The Tales we Tell

Undegun clip

Installation of new and old work relating to the re-telling of the myths of Orpheus and Eurydice
Un Deg Un, Wrexham
30 Jan – 28 Feb 2015
opening event 30 Jan 6-9pm
closing event 28 Feb 2-5pm A group of poets, musicians and a voice improvisation artist
perform in relation to the installation – the latest in a series of films/performances, each of which
offers a retelling of the myth, and of the collaborative process itself.
With Steve Boyland, Lyndon Davies, Anthony Mellors, Scott Thurston and Rhys Trimble

Go to my blog for more information.

Boxing the Chimera

An exhibition of imaginative responses to the contents of three South Wales museums, including
the Swansea Museum Collection Centre, celebrating the beauty and variety of objects on display
and exploring their relation to community and place.

Follow the boxing the chimera blog

Lottery funding strip landscape colour

From Here and There: drawings from Swansea to Colorado

Penny Hallas film still

Trip to Colorado as part of Elysium Gallery’s artist exchange with Clara Hatton
Gallery Colorado USA. Showing drawings and A Short Film about Drawing

26 Sept – 23Oct 2014 Clara Hatton Gallery, U.S.A &
29 Nov – 13 Dec 2014 Elysium Gallery, UK

Follow the boxing the chimera blog

Eurydice / Orpheus event

still 1 O&E filmstill 2 O&E film still 3 O&E film

Artworks and film clips alongside poetry, performances and readings on the subject of the myth.
Glasfryn Seminars 23 March 2013.

In my Orpheus / Euridice drawings and film clips I am interested in breaking up the narrative and scattering the charcteristics which are generally attributed to particular protagonists, so that each element in the story has a new relationship to every other element.

Presenters at the seminar included Dr. Angie Voela on French artist Bracha Ettinger, who regularly draws on the myth of Eurydice.

For more details of the day see Glasfryn Seminars

Frederick J Fredericks

cave piece

For hundreds of years people have been visiting the caves at Craig y Cilau National Nature Reserve. Drawings, messages and names in the cave can be found dating from at least 1787, when Frederick J Fredericks made his mark.

On 30th October 2011, as part of Arts Month Xtra, artists, poets and musicians embarked on a series of arts events in the Nature reserve, including an artist led walk from Llangattock to the caves. Artists, Poets and Performers include:
artists: Susan Adams, Stefhan Caddick, Morag Colquhoun, Tessa Waite, Chris Nurse, Penny Hallas,
Poets: Lyndon Davies, John Goodby, David Greenslade, Graham Hartill, Anthony Mellors, Scott Thurston, Christopher Twigg
Musicians: Gillian Stevens – Crwth. Team Sports (Matthew Lovett, Jimmy Ottley, Ian Watson)

More details of the Frederick J Fredericks event at

Orpheus Project: videos

Collaboration with poets and musicians continues, to explore the myth through the interplay
between spoken, musical and visual languages. These films use images from The Orpheus
Drawings (see ‘artwork’) and recordings and film made in and around Craig y Cilau National Nature reserve
and Eglwys Faen cave.

For more on the Orpheus Project click here

Orpheus Project: Interfaces Conference

Image from Orpheus Project film

29 Jan 2011 ‘ Encounters beyond the page/screen/stage’. A one-day research workshop event and exhibition. University of Exeter, Department of English.

As part of the Orpheus Project, a presentation will be made of film and images by Penny Hallas, script by Lyndon Davies, with music drawn from Gill Steven’s composition ‘Sounds from Solitude’